Source code for sklearn_utils.utils.data_utils

from collections import defaultdict

import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold, f_classif

[docs]def filter_by_label(X, y, ref_label, reverse=False): ''' Select items with label from dataset. :param X: dataset :param y: labels :param ref_label: reference label :param bool reverse: if false selects ref_labels else eliminates ''' check_reference_label(y, ref_label) return list(zip(*filter(lambda t: (not reverse) == (t[1] == ref_label), zip(X, y))))
[docs]def average_by_label(X, y, ref_label): ''' Calculates average dictinary from list of dictionary for give label :param List[Dict] X: dataset :param list y: labels :param ref_label: reference label ''' # TODO: consider to delete defaultdict return defaultdict(float, pd.DataFrame.from_records( filter_by_label(X, y, ref_label)[0] ).mean().to_dict())
[docs]def map_dict(d, key_func=None, value_func=None, if_func=None): ''' :param dict d: dictionary :param func key_func: func which will run on key. :param func value_func: func which will run on values. ''' key_func = key_func or (lambda k, v: k) value_func = value_func or (lambda k, v: v) if_func = if_func or (lambda k, v: True) return { key_func(*k_v): value_func(*k_v) for k_v in d.items() if if_func(*k_v) }
[docs]def map_dict_list(ds, key_func=None, value_func=None, if_func=None): ''' :param List[Dict] ds: list of dict :param func key_func: func which will run on key. :param func value_func: func which will run on values. ''' return [map_dict(d, key_func, value_func, if_func) for d in ds]
def check_reference_label(y, ref_label): ''' :param list y: label :param ref_label: reference label ''' set_y = set(y) if ref_label not in set_y: raise ValueError('There is not reference label in dataset. ' "Reference label: '%s' " 'Labels in dataset: %s' % (ref_label, set_y)) def variance_threshold_on_df(df: pd.DataFrame, threshold=0): vt = VarianceThreshold(threshold) return df.iloc[:, vt.variances_ > threshold] def feature_importance_report(X, y, threshold=0.001, correcting_multiple_hypotesis=True, method='fdr_bh', alpha=0.1, sort_by='pval'): ''' Provide signifance for features in dataset with anova using multiple hypostesis testing :param X: List of dict with key as feature names and values as features :param y: Labels :param threshold: Low-variens threshold to eliminate low varience features :param correcting_multiple_hypotesis: corrects p-val with multiple hypotesis testing :param method: method of multiple hypotesis testing :param alpha: alpha of multiple hypotesis testing :param sort_by: sorts output dataframe by pval or F :return: DataFrame with F and pval for each feature with their average values ''' df = variance_threshold_on_df( pd.DataFrame.from_records(X), threshold=threshold) F, pvals = f_classif(df.values, y) if correcting_multiple_hypotesis: _, pvals, _, _ = multipletests(pvals, alpha=alpha, method=method) df['labels'] = y df_mean = df.groupby('labels').mean().T df_mean['F'] = F df_mean['pval'] = pvals return df_mean.sort_values(sort_by, ascending=True)